Forest of Galtres Camera Club

Monday 14th December 2015


OnLine Open Competition


All the digital images presented for this season’s open competition were posted on the club’s website. During the previous few days, members were able to consider each image then submit a score out of twenty for each one. Dave Higgins, the club’s general secretary then collated results and supported by Vic Brookes, presented the images to members for discussion at the club meeting on Monday evening.


Twenty individuals had taken part in the judging of the 37 images submitted. The subjects entered ranged from a striking black and white portrait to a nesting collared dove and from a coastal sunrise to beer taps demanding Drink Me! Scores were invariably wide ranging for any one image showing just how much one person’s opinion could differ from that of another. The lowest score for one image was 9 but the same image also scored 19 in the view of other members! One image though was really well liked by all members. With a minimum score of 17 and the maximum of 20, Michael Wallace’s image of an owl in flight was clearly the most consistently well liked of all the images. Scoring a total of 334, it was an image just pipped at the post by Ivan Topping’s striking image of Wasdale which scored 335. Pete Dobson’s impressive image of the advent wreath suspended beneath York Minster’s central tower had the third highest score.


The evening concluded with a raffle and lots of mince pies. The next meeting will be on Monday 4th January at 7.45 pm in the Parish rooms when member Keith Schubert will judge the entries for the Summer Subjects Competition, Yorkshire Castles and Richmond.


Members wish everyone a joyful Christmas and the best of health and happiness for 2016.