Forest of Galtres Camera Club

Monday 22nd February 2016




This certainly was an evening of nostalgia for many of the long standing club members and for those who have joined much more recently, a chance to see what some of the older members looked like in their much younger days! More importantly, however, this was an opportunity to learn something about past club outings and competitions. Keith Roberts, Club President, opened the evening with reminder that a dictionary definition of nostalgia means ‘a fondness for something previously known’. Verbal contributions made by Keith himself, Sheila Cornforth, Allan Green, Ken Proudley and David Higgins certainly conveyed that sense.

Ken projected the slides that some members had brought along. The old familiar sound of a working slide projector and the occasional wait for a slide to ‘pop’ into focus showed how far technology had moved on.


A clever image showed Allan Green seemingly explaining the workings of his camera to a second Allan Green on the same slide served to emphasise that manipulating images is nothing new. So many past outings were covered from Sandsend to Chatsworth, from Blackpool to Bamburgh and from Leeds to Buttermere. Amongst the slides Ken himself had brought along were some stunningly atmospheric early morning images he had taken at various locations. Dave Higgins had some magical shots of heavy air frost transforming the countryside round Huby with a thick coating of white.


This was an interesting evening and one worth including in this the fiftieth anniversary year of the club.


Next week, two more club competitions, Film Title and Village Life will be judged by Mike Barnard ABPA LRPS.